May 6 Meeting Summary

A summary of Wednesday night’s meeting is attached (see link below), thanks to all who attended. The Gate Committee was tasked with determining a layout and investigating technology options and costs and their efforts are greatly appreciated.

An entry gate will require a financial investment but also a commitment of time and energy. While much of the technology can be outsourced, even the top-tier packages cannot provide a person on-site around the clock to unlock the gate in case of malfunction or damage therefore it is imperative that we have a team of people willing to take on this task before any further action is taken.

The initial Gate Response Team (GRT) will consist of 3 members for a term of 2 years. If more than 3 members volunteer the term length may be adjusted. It was mentioned on Wednesday night that a phone number could be set up for the GRT that would ring the team members’ phones; this would allow the phone number to remain constant when the team members change and also provide some privacy for the members. For those who travel frequently but would be willing to serve you could be placed on a team with those who have a more consistent schedule. Please email [email protected] if you are willing to be on the team.

Once the GRT has been formed, the Gate Committee will make final technology, cost and policy recommendations to the Board, and a Special Meeting will be scheduled and announced to vote on the required Special Assessment. If no responses are received and the GRT cannot be formed by May 29, 2015 no further action will be taken.

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